West Thirteen uses the information you provide when purchasing an item to confirm and process your transaction, contact you with any information regarding your order and to respond to any customer service questions you may have.
West Thirteen does not sell, rent or trade any information you provide to us online to third parties. The only time we will disclose personal information is to third parties who provide services to us but agree to maintain the confidentiality of your information and use it only in the services they provide. These third parties include, but are not limited to, the host of our website and any assistance needed to fulfill your transaction securely.
When you place an order online, West Thirteen uses encryption technology to protect your personal information. SSL encrypts your order information like your name, address, and credit card number, before it is transmitted to us. This helps to avoid the decoding of your information by anyone other than West Thirteen.
As with all online purchases, no information being transmitted over the internet can be guaranteed secured with 100% accuracy. Therefore, any information you choose to submit is done so at your own risk.